Terminator Genisys

I watched Terminator Genisys and I hated it. 1/5

Terminator Genisys, released in 2015, is an attempt to revive the beloved Terminator franchise but ultimately fails to deliver a coherent and engaging story. Directed by Alan Taylor and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger reprising his role as the Terminator, the film attempts to reimagine the Terminator timeline by introducing alternate realities and convoluted time travel concepts. However, Terminator Genisys suffers from a convoluted plot, weak character development, and a lack of originality, resulting in a disappointing and confusing viewing experience.

The film starts by revisiting the events of the original Terminator, with Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) being sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) from the Terminator. However, upon arriving in the past, Reese discovers that the timeline has been altered, and Sarah Connor is already aware of the impending Judgment Day. Together, they must work with an aging Terminator to prevent the rise of Skynet and alter the course of history. Unfortunately, what follows is a convoluted mess of timelines, alternate realities, and confusing plot twists.

One of the biggest flaws of Terminator Genisys is its convoluted plot, which attempts to retcon and alter the events of the original films. The introduction of alternate timelines and multiple versions of characters only serves to confuse the audience and undermines the established mythology of the franchise. The narrative becomes a tangled web of time travel paradoxes and inconsistent rules, leaving viewers scratching their heads rather than engaged in the story.

The character development in Terminator Genisys is lackluster at best. While Arnold Schwarzenegger brings his iconic presence as the Terminator, the other characters fail to leave a lasting impression. Jai Courtney’s portrayal of Kyle Reese lacks the depth and intensity of the original character, and Emilia Clarke’s Sarah Connor fails to capture the strength and complexity that Linda Hamilton brought to the role. The chemistry between the characters feels forced and lacks the emotional depth seen in previous Terminator films.

Another significant downfall of Terminator Genisys is its lack of originality. Rather than offering fresh and innovative ideas, the film relies heavily on nostalgia and recycled plot elements from the earlier Terminator movies. The attempt to recreate iconic moments and dialogue falls flat, feeling like a cheap imitation rather than a genuine homage. Terminator Genisys feels more like a rehashing of past glories rather than a meaningful addition to the franchise.

Visually, Terminator Genisys delivers on the action sequences and special effects. The film showcases impressive set pieces and intense CGI-driven battles that provide some entertaining moments. However, these action sequences often overshadow the weak storytelling, becoming the primary focus rather than serving as a complement to a compelling narrative.

The film’s pacing also suffers, with inconsistent momentum and a lack of tension. The convoluted plot and disjointed storytelling result in a disjointed viewing experience, leaving the audience disconnected and disengaged. The attempts at humor and witty banter fall flat, failing to bring the levity needed to balance the darker themes of the Terminator universe.

In conclusion, Terminator Genisys receives a 1/5 rating for its convoluted plot, weak character development, lack of originality, and a confused attempt to retcon the franchise’s established mythology. While the film showcases some visually appealing action sequences and benefits from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return as the Terminator, these aspects are overshadowed by the confusing narrative and lackluster execution. Terminator Genisys ultimately fails to recapture the essence and excitement of the earlier Terminator films, resulting in a disappointing addition to the franchise.

Our Score

Terminator Genisys

Reset the future

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, J.K. Simmons, Lee Byung-hun, Dayo Okeniyi, Matt Smith, Courtney B. Vance, Michael Gladis, Sandrine Holt, Wayne Bastrup, Gregory Alan Williams, Otto Sanchez, Matty Ferraro, Griff Furst, Ian Etheridge, Nolan Gross, Seth Meriwether, Afemo Omilami, Teri Wyble, Kerry Cahill, Mark Adam, Kerry O'Malley, Willa Taylor, James Moses Black, Terry Dale Parks, Douglas Smith, Anthony Michael Frederick, Brandon Stacy, Brett Azar, Douglas M. Griffin, Thomas Francis Murphy, Joshua Mikel, John Edward Lee, Christion Troxell, Luke Sexton, Aaron V. Williamson, Tony Donno, Ernest Wells, Larry E. Lundy Jr., Ross P. Cook, Christopher Heskey, Moses Munoz, Lisa McRee, Seth Carr, Bryant Prince, Michael D. Anglin, John L. Armijo, Ari Atken, Mikiah Aubert, Terri Battee, Gregory Scott Bedford, Patrick Constantine Bertagnolli Jr., David Cleveland Brown, Carter Burch, Lori Campbell, Kyle Clements, Christopher De Stefano, Gillian Alaire Espina, Matthew Gallagher, Justin Goldsmith, Victoria Greene, Shawntae Hughes, Lizeth Hutchings, Jeffrey Johnson, Sergio Kato, Kevin Lapham, Mark Lavell, Justin Lebrun, Starlette Miariaunii, Mahal Montoya, Grinnell Morris, Bill Rainey, Gus Rhodes, Samantha Sadoff, William Schaff, Giovanni Silva, Nathan O'Neil Smith, Hannah Spiros, Todd T Taylor, Erica Teeple, Dennis Thomas IV, Joseph Velez, Edgar Leza

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