Revenge of the Nerds

I watched Revenge of the Nerds and I hated it. 1.5/5

Revenge of the Nerds, directed by Jeff Kanew, is a cult classic comedy from the 1980s that follows a group of socially awkward college students who rise up against the jock fraternity and reclaim their dignity. While the film aims to provide laughs and challenge stereotypes, its problematic and insensitive portrayal of sexual assault greatly undermines its intended humor and leaves a sour taste.

The film revolves around a group of outcast college students who form their own fraternity, Lambda Lambda Lambda, as a response to the constant bullying and exclusion they face from the jock fraternity on campus. However, Revenge of the Nerds takes a troubling turn when it attempts to use sexual assault as a punchline, which not only perpetuates harmful stereotypes but also trivializes a serious issue.

One of the most concerning aspects of the film is the storyline involving Lewis Skolnick, played by Robert Carradine, who uses a disguise to trick his love interest, Betty Childs, into having sexual intercourse with him. This act is presented as a comedic triumph for the nerds, which is deeply problematic and perpetuates the notion that consent can be disregarded for the sake of a laugh.

By treating sexual assault as a source of humor, Revenge of the Nerds not only trivializes the experiences of survivors but also sends a dangerous message to its audience. It perpetuates rape culture by normalizing non-consensual acts and presenting them as acceptable behavior. Such a portrayal is highly irresponsible and reinforces harmful attitudes surrounding sexual assault.

Moreover, the film’s treatment of female characters is troubling. Women are primarily objectified and reduced to stereotypes, serving as mere props to fulfill the desires of the male characters. Female characters are rarely given agency or independent storylines, further reinforcing outdated and sexist notions of women as passive objects of male desire.

While Revenge of the Nerds attempts to challenge social norms and champion the underdogs, it ultimately fails to do so in a responsible and respectful manner. Its portrayal of marginalized characters as victims and the subsequent use of sexual assault as a comedic device only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and undermines the film’s intended message of empowerment.

In addition to its problematic content, the film’s comedic elements also feel outdated and fall flat. Many of the jokes rely on offensive stereotypes and juvenile humor that may have been more acceptable during the era of its release but have since become deeply problematic. The film’s attempts at humor often come across as forced and lack the cleverness or wit required to make them truly funny.

It is important to acknowledge that Revenge of the Nerds was released in a different cultural context, and the understanding of consent and sexual assault has evolved significantly since then. However, that does not excuse or justify the film’s harmful depiction of sexual assault and its subsequent dismissal as a humorous plot point.

In conclusion, Revenge of the Nerds is a deeply problematic film that mishandles the sensitive topic of sexual assault and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Its treatment of consent and its use of assault as a comedic tool undermine any potential entertainment value it may have had. The film’s outdated humor and offensive portrayals further diminish its impact. For these reasons, Revenge of the Nerds receives a 1.5/5 rating, highlighting its significant flaws and problematic content.

Our Score

Revenge of the Nerds

The time has come for REVENGE OF THE NERDS

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